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Speaker Training

Learn to Effectively Hold Your Audiences’ Attention 

Stevens Media Consulting provides Speaker Training for anyone who needs to hold the attention of their audience.  Joanne will help you become a confident, successful speaker.

Services Specific to Business and Wall Street
  • Learn not to drone in your Quarterly Reports
  • Launch your IPO
  • Announce new products
  • Hold a press conference
  • Present at conferences with confidence and sincere enthusiasm

For those who decline speaking opportunities at their job.. for everyone who wants to kick the feelings of dread and self-consciousness.. for anyone who reaps no pleasure from presenting.. for all capable, confident speakers who can inspire even stronger reactions.. or to assure that the quality of your presentations match the caliber of your accomplishments- I encourage you to call.  You have new   techniques and tricks to learn.

To speak with Joanne please call (212) 594.8851 or send an email by clicking here.